Race, Ethnicity, Creed, nationality, origin, etc  all the same but different somehow. We shall see.

What is it? Who knows.

When did it start? I dunno.

Is it bad? Maybe.

Since the death of God, morality has become purely subjective. In this blog we will try to see if Racism is not morally wrong, but rather, practically disadvantageous. 

Maybe we will name all the races if there aren't enough blog posts.

Race and Ethnicity are often interchangeable but are actually two different things. Race is more about physical characteristics and ethnicity is a shared cultural group. The largest ethnic group is the Han who are Chinese. When you google largest race the Han come up even though its supposed to be an ethnic group, so I guess race is a colloquial term for ethnicity. 

I chose this topic because I know a lot of people who are racist and being of two historically conflicting races I have some personal experience with the topic.

“All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers... Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born.”

― Francois de Salignac de La Mothe- Fenelon


  1. Thank you for addressing the complex and sensitive issue of race and ethnicity in your blog post. It's important to have open discussions about these topics to promote understanding and challenge harmful beliefs.
    You raise an interesting point by questioning whether racism is morally wrong or if it is more practically disadvantageous. It's a thought-provoking perspective that invites readers to consider the broader implications of racism beyond just its moral implications.
    Differentiating between race and ethnicity is crucial, and you provide a clear explanation of the distinction. The Han ethnic group's example highlighting the overlap between race and ethnicity offers valuable insight into how these terms are sometimes used interchangeably in popular discourse.
    Your personal experience with racism adds a unique perspective to the discussion, as it allows you to provide firsthand insights into the impact of racial conflicts. Sharing personal stories can humanize the issue and help readers relate to the subject matter on a more personal level.
    As you continue exploring this topic, I encourage you to delve deeper into the historical and social contexts that contribute to racism. Consider examining the systemic structures and power dynamics that perpetuate discriminatory attitudes and actions. This can provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue and open up avenues for addressing it more effectively.
    Overall, your blog post presents an intriguing perspective and promises to engage readers in thought-provoking discussions. I appreciate your willingness to tackle such an important and sensitive topic.
    Best of luck with your future blog posts, and I look forward to reading more from you.

  2. I think you have unique perspectives in this topic! Although sometimes your way of describing the words might be offensive to the readers. Anyways I think you are making the points so keep going!


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