Who was Cyrus the Great?Cyrus the great of Persia

So my NGO is called The Cyrus Society. This name I stole from both the person and the bug conservation group Xerxes Society. I chose Cyrus because he is well known as a conqueror while respecting the religions and cultures that he subjugated. Which is what I intend to do with my NGO.

My main source of income would be by having people pay me to make sure their business is not racist. I would also have T-shirts and donations like everybody else but the main thing is the seal of approval my NGO would hand out. This would lower racism because I would publicly shame anyone who is racist by putting them on my bad list on my site for all to see. And thus those people would go out of business, unable to support their families and then the kids would go into foster care, saving them from growing up to be racists as well.

after I gain some money I would get politicians to get the government to pay me more and more money at which point I would run for office and fix society. I think NGOs are good and nice but for a problem this large we will need actual laws in place to fix it not just kind words and hope.

First thing I would do is take children from racist parents. When ones parents are racist they will be taught those racist ideas and when they grow up people are less likely to change their opinions so I would take these kids while they are young and put them into my orphanage where I could educate them. I would also invade neighboring countries which would cause large amounts of racism now but in the long run once I establish a world government thus eliminating conflict, there would be less racism because there would be no war.

I will then remove the word race from the dictionary. If people cannot discuss a topic then that thing will cease to be a problem. Then I would ban all religion, which would also lower conflict because in my survey those are thought to be the main causes of racism. I would also erase most of human history which would give no one a reason to dislike any other race.

Marriage by lottery is an idea Plato thought of where people would think its by chance but in reality I would control all the outcomes. I would pair people of different races exclusively, and after a few generations all the races would be mixed making even the smallest minorities consist of such few people that forming a group would be meaningless thus ending race entirely. This is a work in progress because it is considered genocide. Instead of thinking it as genocide and your race going extinct think of it as rather your race heroically sacrificing itself by kamikaze-ing into the ship that is racism.

Using my survey I would go down the list of reasons racism exists, eliminating them one by one until the world is saved.

I think the presentation was good. I did not cover all the topics I wanted to because I thought I would make some time for questions. I was hoping to get some good questions but alas.

someone said that the seal of approval was similar to the mafias protection money thing which is what I was going for. I mean even taxes are similar in a way because if you dont pay the government theyll come and take you to jail. I think its similar but definitely not the same because I am providing a service and I dont use the threat of violence to force anyone to pay for my independent opinion.


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