mean babies

mean babies

I was told this is a bad title but I think it catches the eye so I will keep it. The study claims babies as young as six months associate sad music with people of a different race. This is not really racism but rather a infants natural reaction to unfamiliar faces. So if its not racism then why am I writing about this? Well, it was one of my most interesting questions but also I think if you want your children to not be racist then its important to know that if you don't expose these babies to people of other races then they might develop a fear of them. I think some people just assume that their kids will just grow up to never be racist, but if they're already grown up then it would be very hard to make them not racist. So its important to keep in mind that you need to teach them to not be racist.

As a related question about kids raised by wolves being racist, I could not find any studies about that. Probably because when you find someone raised in the jungle away from human civilization then the first thing you do is not ask them if their racist, but rather get them some clothes or something.

Something else I wanted to know is if you took a racist persons kid would they grow up to be racist as well. Some kind of free will, nature vs nurture type thing. Everything is pretty conclusive that people aren't born racist but rather learn it from their parents. So an important way to rid the world of racism would be to take children from racist parents and have the government teach them not to be racist. Which is very morally questionable because it would give the government the power to take your kids or something that is protected by free speech. 

This is an article about how some black kids were taken away from their foster parents because they were part of an anti-immigration political party.

I understand how they would be worried about someone like that having immigrant kids in their house, but being anti-immigration isn't inherently racist so I have mixed feelings about this article. If they think more of them shouldn't come but the kids already here didn't do nothing wrong so we should take care of them then it would be fine, but who knows. The issue is that you cant look into their minds and if you think those people shouldn't be allowed to adopt then you should stop them before the fact because those kids will definitely be sad.


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