

  Cyrus the great of Persia So my NGO is called The Cyrus Society. This name I stole from both the person and the bug conservation group Xerxes Society. I chose Cyrus because he is well known as a conqueror while respecting the religions and cultures that he subjugated. Which is what I intend to do with my NGO. My main source of income would be by having people pay me to make sure their business is not racist. I would also have T-shirts and donations like everybody else but the main thing is the seal of approval my NGO would hand out. This would lower racism because I would publicly shame anyone who is racist by putting them on my bad list on my site for all to see. And thus those people would go out of business, unable to support their families and then the kids would go into foster care, saving them from growing up to be racists as well. after I gain some money I would get politicians to get the government to pay me more and more money at which point I would run for office and fix so


 Eugenics is something I have been interested in for a very long time. The word was first coined by Sir Francis Galton: The guy who made the Galton board you probably used during probability class. He was the cousin of Charles Darwin, which is why he thought about evolution with humans. The word was thought of recently but the practice has been done since ancient times. Plato wrote about it in works, but the example that is most widely known is the Spartans. In Spartan society when a child is born it was brought before a council which would decide if the child was weak or deformed, and therefore undeserving of life. In this way Eugenics is not inherently racist, but rather ableist because it promotes the idea that the physically or mental deformed deserve to die. Plato also wrote about how he would make a mating lottery which the public would believe is random, but in reality he would use it to pair those he deemed genetically superior together so they could make strong children. He do

mean babies

mean babies I was told this is a bad title but I think it catches the eye so I will keep it. The study claims babies as young as six months associate sad music with people of a different race. This is not really racism but rather a infants natural reaction to unfamiliar faces. So if its not racism then why am I writing about this? Well, it was one of my most interesting questions but also I think if you want your children to not be racist then its important to know that if you don't expose these babies to people of other races then they might develop a fear of them. I think some people just assume that their kids will just grow up to never be racist, but if they're already grown up then it would be very hard to make them not racist. So its important to keep in mind that you need to teach them to not be racist. As a related question about kids raised by wolves being racist, I could not find

Bad website review

 So I want to say that finding this website was very difficult. I could not find any pro racism website through google and so I had to you duckduckgo to find this. this is also the same site I used for my word cloud. The stuff written is not cited and definitely biased. I am also unsure if the site is serious or like a sting operation to stop terrorism. The youtube videos on the site wont load and when you move the mouse around there is a fire trail which is not something I would put on a serious website.  The KKK is a solely American Racist organization. It does do some terrorism but its not inherently illegal so they still exist in many rural towns in America, so it would make sense that they want to recruit new people still.
  Hi, my name is Lethabo Nikosi. I work at a foundry as an industrial worker during apartheid. I was an important member of Fosatu, a workers union in South Africa that worked very hard to gain workers rights for black South Africans. I also laid the ground work for Cosatu: the Congress of South African Trade Unions. During apartheid my boss thought I was very dumb because I was black and therefore paid me a very low wage. What annoyed me the most is that I trained some of my white co-workers who then went on to make more money than me because they were seen as more competent because they were white, even though I was the one who taught them all they know.  I am doing fine right now. I have a home with my wife and 14 kids and have 15 cows, 10 of those I got as a wedding gift when my two daughters got married. It may sound nice, but in reality I still live in the slums because most of my youth I spent getting very meager wages, so me and my family often face problems going hungry. I oft

Word Cloud

Image this is where I got the words

Dihydrogen Monoxide

 Dihydrogen Monoxide website review I think it was a funny website and that its good to have some of these fake sites because it promotes critical thinking. It also had a lot of creative ways of blaming water as the cause of death like water inhalation killing thousands per year, which is obviously drowning. It also talked about how water was a main component of many pesticides and also its a nuclear powerplant coolant.  The reason you can know its fake is because one google search would tell you the Dihydrogen Monoxide is water but also all the links lead to the home pages of famous sites so it doesn't actually link to the study itself which was a dead giveaway. All and all its good fun and if you don't think its funny you probably had your pride hurt when you got fooled so just be a little more humble.